Monday, August 17, 2009


Her Highness, Technology
Part 3-of-3

Serving as medium for an emerging world-wide, super-brain trust, cyberspace is breeding what Teilhard de Chardin dubbed the noosphere—i.e., cosmic consciousness. Proponents look to a mass planetary shift from the age of Pisces to that of Aquarius, distinguished by group- or cosmic- consciousness.

Having triumphed over matter—first, the geosphere (inanimate matter); then, the biosphere (biological life)—the duly enlightened and highly evolved look to planetary transformation marked by emergence of a new, superior species called homonoeticus.

Enter, one of the Bible’s most broadly-known futuristic phrases, “mark of the beast.” In these end-times, thusly illumined initiates will be required to receive such a mark—specifically, a “stamp” or “brand” attesting to ownership and subservience. Precursors to that mark include RFID technology using tattoos, implanted microchips and the like.

The Greek word for “mark” can also be rendered “an etching” or “a scrawling.” It’s possible to use non-invasive, high-frequency laser techniques to etch a barcode below the skin—even unbeknownst to its bearer while in an MRI machine, for instance. This barcode could be read remotely by microwave readers and used to track and then record every transaction of its unwitting bearer.

Technology and “the Good Death”
No wonder the death industry enjoys high profile, big-money organizational clout. Under the United Nations’ concept of sustainable development, the human population must be reduced, simple as that. So then, scientists cannibalize babies to make them into medicine. Others sell baby parts in the name of science; still others eliminate the unwanted by means of baby pesticides.

And why not? Belief in any postmortem consequences in heaven or hell has been relegated to obsolescence, and trendy naturalistic thought effectively eliminates human accountability to God. Rather than live circumspectly in the fear and admonition of God, transhumans actively prepare to become posthuman. To this end, they avail themselves of every current option for self-enhancement.

Because modern man has proclaimed himself the measure of all things, it is his presumed birthright to live “the good life” as he sees fit and, at its close, to choose “the good death”—whether by suicide, euthanasia, or as an expected outcome of some chosen lifestyle—with no regard for his Creator.

Many hope in the science of cryopreservation. Stored in liquid nitrogen (cryostasis), member patients of the Cryonics Institute expect to emerge whole, revived and rejuvenated to a greatly extended life span free from disease and the aging process—also, free from dependence on God Himself.

The Ultimate Techno-Augmented Arrogance
Autonomous souls naturally reason: "Perhaps man is not the end product of God's work. Perhaps man is the by-product of the process which will create God" (Michael Breazeale, 04/19/2009).

Clearly, techno-augmented arrogance knows no bounds. Once cosmic lemmings leap that slippery slope to out-and-out blasphemy, Her Highness Technology will have succeeded in turning “a revolution all her own”; and it won’t be pretty.

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