Friday, July 24, 2009


Part 2-of-3

Good news: The Great Commission to take the Gospel to the four corners of earth rides the swelling wave of information technologies, which have advanced greatly since the science of communication and control (specifically, cybernetics) first emerged. That communication channels between distant locations are both flexible and direct serves well this noble cause.

Yet another example, Maria Lancaster is one profoundly blessed by technological know how. Her own adorable little girl, Elisha, was adopted as an embryo, having been frozen for four years. Thanks to modern technology, Elisha’s two little cells were flown Fed Ex across the country, then thawed before being transferred (at eight cells) to the waiting mother’s womb.

As Executive Director of Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park (Bothell, Washington), Lancaster offers the remarkable solution of “snowflake babies” for couples without contraindications to pregnancy, childbirth and parenting, but experiencing infertility problems nonetheless. Healthy children have been born from embryos frozen for more than twelve years; and through vitro fertilization (IVF), thousands of couples have been able to conceive and thereby establish loving families.

Surely, embryo adoption is great news for the nearly one-in-four couples who cannot conceive, as well as for hundreds of thousands of remaining human embryos who, following successful fertility treatments, are destroyed, used in research, held in freezers or sold for profit.
Technology, the Master
On the other hand, whom the Bible labels as “the ultimate murderer from the beginning” will opportunistically and increasingly lasso techno-knowledge for incredible evil.

Apparently, Her Highness Technology purposes to one-up even the Creator Himself. The race is on to create smarter-than-human intelligence—and to introduce mind-reading capabilities, implications for which are staggering. Argento also imagines a new breed of intentionally dumbed-down humanoids willing to work twenty hours a day without "comp time" or sick days.”

With this in view, RNAi is a system within living cells that helps to control which genes are active and how active they are. Applying RNA interference (RNAi) to produce human designer babies is worlds apart from silencing genes for decorative pigmentation in petunia plants, but an intriguing frontier nonetheless.

Perhaps the most commonly mentioned techno-vation is Artificial Intelligence, but there are others—e.g., direct brain-computer interfaces, biological augmentation of the brain, genetic engineering, ultra-high-resolution scans of the brain, followed by computer emulation. Technologies as these are fast approaching tipping-point sophistication.

Presently, the world community is well conditioned to submit to Her Highness Technology. At the consumer level, transportable technology has become a virtual human appendage. Be it in the car, while in line at the check-out counter, or even in a public bathroom stall, there is no escape from the cell phone. Arguably, what was intended to serve instead has become a master.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Her Highness Technology

Part 1of3

Classic Sci-Fi thrillers from the 1950s and 1960s feature special effects that portray colliding universes, UFOs, aliens, body snatchers and, yes, zombies. Though not especially convincing, and sometimes downright hokey, what now is perceived as retro-technology once captured the fancy of diehard movie buffs every where.

Today, even the most skeptical are riveted to (and mesmerized by) astounding special effects that command the silver screen. Beyond the frivolous, albeit powerful realm of cinematography, techno-genius uniquely shapes 21st-century global economics, governance, culture, morality and even spirituality.

Our Techno-Future
Radical information technologies that feature “quantum computing” and cutting-edge biotech advancements serve to reshape the marketplace, redistribute wealth and restructure society at large. As breast milk to a baby, technology breakthroughs nourish the burgeoning vision for a cyber-connected, one-world community.

Founder of the International Center for Technology Assessment, Andrew Kimbrell labels this would-be reality a “technotopia”; moreover, respected scholar O. B. Hardison likens faith in silicone devices to religious fervor transcending any mundane thrill of employing talking cars and functioning robots.

What’s not to like? The techno-god of our future promises efficient, renewable solar and/or electromagnetic energy; quantum teleportation; nano- and replicator- technologies (growing new cells for the cure); protective force fields; and emerging robotics. Spiritually, it holds promise for embracing self-god and, eventually, immortality.

To this end, cosmic educators, progressives, futurists and globalists target the world’s youth and then coach them in fanciful utopian ideologies most likely to be propelled and sustained by modern technology.

Techno-explosion Minus Bible Truth
Centuries before Christ, the prophet Daniel characterized a knowledge-infused “time of the end” with spot on precision: Then, global power brokers will function as “kings without kingdoms” over regions of the world “divided for gain.” Eventually, these regions will be linked under totalitarian global governance. With a dictatorial Prime Minister at the helm, the feckless dream of planetary utopianism is destined to play out as the mother of all nightmares.

The apostle Paul likewise warned that, despite influx of knowledge, end-time world citizens will bypass truth for deception. A seemingly endless abyss of information will ultimately crowd out authentic doctrinal formation. Already, broadly held esoteric belief systems are united by a compelling global agenda touting Earth worship, sustainability, collectivism and illuminism.

"Among the best investigative journalists money can't buy” and host of, Rob Argento of Hampstead, North Carolina characterizes this rising phenomenon as techno-fascism. As consultant and/or staff writer, the former technical communications specialist for Valley heavyweights—e.g., Microsoft, Oracle, Xerox and VeriSign—produced technical documents that elucidated "bleeding-edge" technologies ranging from human-computer interfaces to exotic e-commerce and bioinformatics.

Argento knows what he’s talking about when he describes Silicon Valley as a culture and state of mind. In his own words, “The Valley had set out to change the world. But by the dawn of the new millennium, it was the world that had changed the Valley.”

“Maybe it was all that Y2K ballyhoo; maybe it was the Dot Com Dot Bomb. Or maybe it was Bin Laden's Magic Carpet ride through the Twin Towers making them appear to collapse just like a computer-controlled demolition,” he adds. “More likely, though, it was simply a steadily rising sense that Her Highness Technology, unfurling faster than any single human mind could possibly track, was gradually turning a revolution all her own.”

Arguably, no generation has been more entertained or more connected than ours. On the down side, prophetic scripture instructs that the world dictator-to-come will “play god” and exercise extraordinary power, signs and lying wonders. As never before, these will be rendered possible by deceptive techno-savvy—i.e., generating arbitrary scenes by a holographic volumetric display.

Accordingly, human aspirations and values are fast deferring to ruthless cravings for technocratic dominance, status, wealth and accompanying power. There’s no turning back from participatory technology (virtual reality), digital television and cash, robotics, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence—their benefits and their trappings.

Next week: "Technology the Servant"

Friday, July 10, 2009

Where's the Hope?

Part 3of3

Strategic Lunacy

Senior economics writer for The Wall Street Journal editorial page Stephen Moore explains: Politicians invariably create and then respond to crises by spawning new government programs, laws and regulations. These, in turn, generate more havoc and poverty, which inspires the politicians to create more programs.

The downward spiral repeats itself until productive sectors of the economy collapse under the collective weight of taxes and other burdens imposed in the name of fairness, equality and do-goodism.

The more incompetent one is in business, the more handouts the politicians bestow. That's precisely the justification for subsidies doled out to keep afloat distressed insurance companies, banks, Wall Street investment houses and auto companies.

Even so, President Obama is on record as regretting that Supreme Court decisions have not been radical enough to order redistribution of wealth. Problem is, when profits, wealth and creativity are denigrated, they start to disappear, leaving everyone the poorer (Phyllis Schlafly Report, December 2008).

Throughout life’s journey, each must carry his own backpack or burden. Excessively heavy ones are rightfully shared; however, as a rule, the industrious (not sluggards, nor shysters) are deemed “worthy of their hire.” That is to say, these are blessed with the fruit of their own labors (Galatians 6:5; Romans 15:1; 1 Timothy 5:18).

The Asian Century

For many, a new administration refreshes hope for desired change in pursuit of a better America. However, many in the media have begun referring to the 21st century as the Asian Century—this, because of the predicted growing power in Asia. With it comes Eastern mysticism.

When merged with the conciliatory gospel of the West, neo-pantheistic syncretism debases our culture, work ethic, private property and free enterprise. To the contrary, the exercise of sound biblical principles—hard work as unto the Lord, discretionary spending, earth stewardship and cheerful generosity—is certain to sustain free society propelled by biblical ethic.

Where’s the Hope?

If cross-cultural iniquity abounds at all levels of society, as surely it does, the question remains: Where’s hope to be found when cynicism, paranoia, fear, mistrust, blame, greed and spiritual deception dominate?

The answer’s surely not to be found in global politics, economics or religious systems. Instead, “Messenger of Hope” David Bryant has issued a joyful manifesto on the supremacy of God’s son through which he emphasizes these four goals: proclaim a comprehensive vision of Christ’s supremacy, awaken hope focused on this larger vision, empower then mobilize leaders, and equip other “Messengers of Hope” to follow suit.

Herein lays our hope as Americans: an uncontrollable spiritual brush fire that ultimately yields the triumph of God’s global charge, not man’s counterfeit of it. By awakening to an unfolding revelation of God’s glory, believers will experience fresh winds of passion, mission and—yes—hope that can’t be quelled no matter the prevailing circumstances.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ethnos (Race) v. Ethnos (Race)

Part 2of3
(See Part 1 below)

One cannot discount inspiration derived from the Obama story. That said, on more than one occasion, even African-American Pastor Clenard Childress has spoken out against the President.

In having “prevailed against the system,” Obama broke a long-standing glass ceiling. Thus, he rendered as moot the racially-propelled, now outmoded “blame game” that for decades had served only to fragment American society (World, 6 December 2008).

Or did he? It has been alleged that Obama’s autobiography Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance is “obsessed with race and race conflict.” Portraying U.S. history as a consistent tale of oppression, Obama stews about injustices he never personally experienced.

Such rhetoric serves only to further fragment society with festering mistrust and unstoppable blame. Thankfully, God is “no respecter of persons.” Hope for color- and culture-blind unity characterizes the kingdom of God in which neither male nor female, bond nor free takes precedence (Acts 10:34; 1 Corinthians 12:13).

Atlas Shrugged
Having grown up under Communism in Soviet Russia, author Ayn Rand gained insights into the destructiveness of socialism. Her classic novel, Atlas Shrugged, describes economic carnage caused by big government run amok. Although Rand foresaw our making the same politically expedient mistakes, America’s politicians remain hell bent on committing the very acts of economic lunacy that Rand parodied in 1957.

As America goes, so goes the world; and—make no mistake—President Obama’s 83-page Blueprint for Change calls for vast expansion of federal government. From the perspective of Georgia Congressman Paul Broun, the Blueprint is an obvious call for socialism.

Unfortunately, “none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” (Goethe). There is liberty for the captive only where the spirit of the Lord is. Truth is what sets us free (Isaiah 61:1; John 8:32).
Rights-based Liberalism
An up-and-coming global force, President Obama has expressed strong commitment to the U.N. and its various sovereignty-compromising programs—specifically, the U.N. Millennium Development Goals 2000. Embraced by 191 U.N. Member States, eight targeted goals serve developing countries and empower women.

Be sure, formal world federalism is well linked to rights-based liberalism. Over just a few years, Americans will be required to ante up hundreds of billions of dollars that will do precious little to improve the plight of the world’s poor. Instead, their taxes will serve only to strengthen the U.N. and enrich corrupt foreign dictators.

Though we have the poor with us always, God will not forsake nor see His seed begging for bread. This is a certain hope (Matthew 26:11; Psalms 37:25).