Jesus told His disciples that the close of the age would be distinguished by signs, one of which is “abounding iniquity.” Arguably, childlike innocence is more a relic of the past than it is the norm. For good reason folks seldom leave keys in unattended cars, or bedroom windows wide open while sleeping.
Sadly, it would take eight Vietnams to fill as many graves as have been packed by Americans killed by fellow citizens. Crime originates from every rung of society. Daily, misdeeds of powerful politicians and self-serving corporate executives demonstrate our “losing the sense of shame that once accompanied the act of theft, private or public” (Lawrence W. Reed, “Ideas on Liberty,” THE FREEMAN 2008).
Although cynicism abounds, understandably so, those who hope in the Lord remain “of good courage” and “strengthened in heart” (Psalms 31:24).
Most Maligned Mandates
Perhaps more than ever “the wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men” (Ps. 12:8, NIV). Ask Swedish Pastor Ake Green, sentenced to a month in prison for “disrespecting” homosexuals. While preaching the Bible landed the good pastor in the slammer, Milk landed an Oscar for screenwriter Dustin Lance Black.
Evidently, progressive Americans embrace what God most hates—namely, wicked imaginations, pride and hands that shed innocent blood (Proverbs 6:16ff). Hence, all the while African-Americans are fighting the high toll of abortion on their own communities (aptly labeled Black Genocide) President Obama emerges as “the most extreme pro-abortion legislator ever to serve in either house of the United States Congress.”
Especially with respect to issues of life and traditional marriage, there is “a growing paranoia about evangelical influence in American politics. The academic and journalistic left used to dismiss followers of Jesus as boobs. Now some see [them] as diabolical; … and what once was laughed at may soon be legislated against” (Marvin Olasky, World, Sept 2008).
For these, hope is found in the surety that where sin abounds, God’s grace super abounds (Romans 5:20).
Wars and Rumors Thereof
Bible prophecy has been proven accurate: More wars have been fought in the last 200 years than in all of the preceding 1700 years combined. It has been asserted that prior to 9-11, the Iranian regime was responsible, if only indirectly, for the murder of more Americans than any other country or organization in the world.
Fact is Iran remains our principle enemy in the Middle East. Not President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but rather Khomeini’s successor Ali Khamenei bears the title of “Supreme Leader.” It is he demanding “DEATH TO AMERICA” and the Lesser Satan, Israel (Former White House National Security advisor, Michael Ledeen, The Iranian Time Bomb).
Global tensions are not restricted to the plight of Palestine or God-sanctioned Israeli entitlement. Amidst a devastating gas dispute, Russia recently cut off all gas supplies to Europe—this, without warning—and thereby demonstrated Moscow’s confrontational posture toward the West. With Russia behind him, Chavez is likely to fill the vacuum left by Fidel Castro. Loss of Latin America to Moscow-backed Chavez is a growing threat.
Adding insult to injury, terrorist cells continue to grow worldwide in some forty nations. Within the week of its occurrence, Golda Meir’s former body guard Juval Aviv accurately predicted the London subway bombing. As President and CEO of an international corporate intelligence and investigations firm based in New York, he now foresees an imminent terrorist attack on U.S. soil.
Calamitous threats as these contribute to widespread anxiety, but Bible believers experience “peace that passes understanding.” Theirs is “a better hope” than what the world has to offer (Philippians 4:7; Hebrews 7:19).
Next week: Ethnos (Race) v. Ethnos (Race)
Friday, June 26, 2009
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